So again I plan to use Photoshop as it one of the most powerful image editing software you could possibly get. I am going to use the same image of Josh pointing a gun and Baxter looking mysteriously shocked. Because this is a poster I decided to include the villain as which in this case is Phil Eaton. So basically Josh will be pointing the gun at Phil.
To start of I added an image of a brick wall. I then turned that image into black and which and set the opacity to 92%. After I set the background to black, to give the vigilantes typical look. And then I used the Lasso tool to scrap it image around which gave it a very light smoky look, with a darker background.

Now is the time for me to add the 2 images of Josh and Baxter which I had already photoshoped. I placed them into their positions. And planned out where the title wound go. As I have researched many posters online, they mainly had their title name underneath the focused images. I decided to do the same and kept the title underneath the main image. However I didn’t like leaving the title with plain red, so I decided to add images of the main characters Josh, Baxter and Phil t he title. So what I did was created a black page, print screened a suitable image of each character. I added a copy of the brick wall in black and white. Made a copy of “vigilantes” title image as a layer, transformed it to set “multiply” this means another layer can overlay on top of the “vigilantes” layer which I though to put the main characters images on to it. With the black and white wall, so it does not look odd with the black background on the poster.

There are no main rules on if an extra image can go on a poster or not. So I decided to take picture of the alleyway where Baxter gets kidnapped by Phil and Photoshop it in such way so it will give a gloomy and horror look. This should make the audience a bit uncomfortable, thinking to them that alleyway is really a creepy place where as it actually is not. And I took a picture of Phil (the villain) and cropped his while body out so I could place him standing on that alleyway, where the audience first see his face from the trailer. I want the audience to feel as if the alleyway is the kind of place where Phil (the villain) likes to remain within. I then also set the opacity of Phil and the image of the alley way to 45% and 25%. This now looks like this.

There are no main rules on if an extra image can go on a poster or not. So I decided to take picture of the alleyway where Baxter gets kidnapped by Phil and Photoshop it in such way so it will give a gloomy and horror look. This should make the audience a bit uncomfortable, thinking to them that alleyway is really a creepy place where as it actually is not. And I took a picture of Phil (the villain) and cropped his while body out so I could place him standing on that alleyway, where the audience first see his face from the trailer. I want the audience to feel as if the alleyway is the kind of place where Phil (the villain) likes to remain within. I then also set the opacity of Phil and the image of the alley way to 45% and 25%. This now looks like this.
Next up was the captions to the movie poster. I only had 3 main characters to this film so I decided to add their names above on the top of the page just above their heads. Using the house style of bright red, font size 30pt with the blending of Outer glow, this will give a bit of a highlight behind the text and will make it look really professional. Every action poster has some kind of dialogue which relates to the movie e.g. for the movie poster “Taken” its cheesy dialogue is:
They have taken his daughter
He will hunt them
He will find then
And he will kill them
So Jamie Paxton came with “Family is everything” which is agreed on and decided to put the text underneath the title.
The other elements which I include was the production details “Jatrix production presents an action film staring jousha hall, phlip Eaton and Cameron baxter from the producers of “aftermath” and “dont scream”in assocation with new line cinema, touchstone pictures and sumit entertainment” in a descending order. S at the bottom I added directed by me (Ahmed Mohammed) on the left hand corner and Produced by Jamie Paxton on the right hand corner, using the same house style.

Finally I created some fake bullet holes. At first it took me some time to figure out how to make them using some online tutorials, but then I eventually got it. What I did was, opened a blank image, set the background to black, used the rectangle tool to draw out one going downwards in white colour, clicked on filter>stylize>wind and then clicked ok. This will give sharp edges to the rectangle I have created. I then selected on image>rotate canvas>90 degree CW, then filter>distort>Polar Coordinates. This will turn the rectangle round with the sharp edges pointing outwards looking like a screen crack, I then clicked images>adjustments>invert. This will turn the image the opposite colours. Then to gain just the bullet hole, you use the magic wand tool and you click around the outer hole and select>inverse, you then just copy and paste the layer on to the poster, I made 3 different types of holes to make it looks realistic. So I added 5 bullet hopes to the movie poster. This completes the movie poster for “Vigilantes”

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