Friday, 1 October 2010

Peer Audience Research By Jamie Paxton Candidate Number 5955

Why do you watach the films you do?:
Lisa: Likes thought provoking movies that makes her think differently
Kim: Likes it when the trailer is good and if she knows the actors
Vidur: For entertainment and the cast of actors
James: Depending on his mood he co-ordinates film genre's
Gabi: When the films are from a genre she enjoys, when the films look good, when she hears about them from other people
Sonia: When films are entertaining and humourous
Henri: When the films create a feeling of suspense, and that they have open ended plots, so that you cannot be certain of the ending.

Is the trailer Important:
Lisa: The trailer is a very important
Kim: Yeah, it can either draw you in or turn you away from watching the film
Vidur: Yes it gives an idea of what the movie is about and whether or not you want to watch it
James: Yeah it gives a real idea of what the film will be like
Gabi: Yeah they make people talk about it and word will spread about whether or not the film is good
Sonia: Yeah it draws me in to watch the film at the cinema
Heri: Yeah it dictates whether or not i want to watch the film

What makes a good trailer:
Lisa: A trailer that shows the best bits of the story without giving it away
Kim: Depends on the genre; I want catchy music and I quite like fast paced editing
Vidur: I like a good voiceover, and an openended plot, and as long as it doesn't give away the movie before watching it in the cinema
James: A good understandable storyline
Gabi: Fast paced or funny trailers, I like them to follow conventions of trailers of their genre.
Sonia: I like sex scenes, fast editing and variations of scenes
Henri: A lot of action, gore sex scenes and naked women

What turns you off in a trailer:
Lisa: When it tells you too much of the story so that when you go to the cinema you know what to expect.
Kim: If it's slow paced and the trailer tells you the whole story like the Quantum of Solace trialer (James Bond)
Vidur: If I don't understand what the genre is or it doesnt have a good voiceover
James: A lack of good music
Sonia: Slow editing and slow music
Henri: A trailer that just tells the story

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